كانون الثاني 2013
- Glam.Diamond
- Are you in the mood for a yummy seafood meal? Do you like Salmon? I know I do. Here's an easy recipe I tried just today and it turned out perfect.
- Glam.Diamond
- roro_alnakar
مرحبا صديقاتي
اقدم لكم ثيابي بالون البرتقالي
- roro_alnakar
- Amber.Stardoll
- Harry Styles and Taylor Swift is getting even more serious! Now, yhe young lovebirds have headed from the English countryside to the British Virgin Islands - they have been spotted togheter in the Caribbean! According to insiders (and pictures of them both) they're enjoying a romantic trip in each other's comany. Aw! Wonder where they will be spotted next?!?
- Amber.Stardoll
- lolo18Cool
مرحبا صديقاتي
بالطيع كلنا نعرف مؤثرات الصور المتوفرة في متجر
لكن أريد أن أأخذ رأيكن في أجمل تأثير
- lolo18Cool
- Daniella
Hey dollies! I have a whole bunch of new posts coming up, so stay tuned! For the next few weeks I will be posting "Organzing Tips" for your suite, closets, and beauty parlor. I am a avery organized person (in real life and on Stardoll) so I thought I'd share some of my organization tips that I use for Stardoll with you guys! Today I will be showing you how to organize your accessories.
- Daniella
- smasmShy
مرحباً بكن , كيف حالكن
لدي لعبة صغيرة على شكل ارنب
انا احبها كثيرا
وفي احد الايام كنت العب بدميتي
فرن الهاتف وذهبت مسرعة لكي اجيب
لكنني انشغلت بالحديث مع صديقتي في الهاتف
ونسيت الغرفة اللتي كنت العب فيها
- smasmShy
- Cherryminnie12
Choose either A, B, Or C for each of the 4 questions. Answers are in my presentation at the bottom, in my blog on my page and I will try to post then after this.
1. Which way would you least like to spend New Year's Eve?
a. Wearing yellow underpants(this is a real tradition)
b. Eating lentils all night
c. Filling both shoes with money
- Cherryminnie12
- Amber.Stardoll
- We spotted the actress/model Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler out shopping in Robinson Drive, West Hollywood yesterday! Check out Vanessa's outfit and get inspired for the day! Doesn't she look amazing?!
- Amber.Stardoll
- rwbu5
- السلآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مرحبا يا اصدقاء ... كيف حالكم ؟؟
اليوم ذهبت الي سوق الملآبس الفاخر
كان جميل جدا ذهبت مع اختي وامي وابي الى السوق
الفاخـــــر انه جمــــــيل رأيت ملآبس فاااخره جميـله في السوق
- rwbu5
- Arificent
مرحبـاً صديقـــاتي ^_^
لقد تم إختيــار المحـظُـوظات الخمس ..اللاتي سيتـأهلن للتصويت ^_^
- Arificent