briesmux_007What do YOU do best in holydays?
vor 210 MonatenHeidi KlumI just learned how to snowboard. My husband is a huge snowboarder and I wanted to do it with him, so I learned it. This year we are teaching Leni and Henry how to ski.
vor 210 MonatenkaTHriiin*Hi Heidi!
vor 210 Monaten
Do you like HELLO KiTTY? :]Heidi KlumMy daughter loves Hello Kitty. She has necklaces, suitcases and cd cases. It is so cute!
vor 210 MonatenxBrunette-Babexi love you so much ! whats your favourite ice cream flavour ?
vor 210 MonatenHeidi KlumHazelnut, I love it!
vor 210 Monaten8521022 DELHello!!! I have one question! How old were you when you was started with modeling?? And sorry for badly english!
vor 210 MonatenHeidi KlumI started modeling when I was 18 years old. I won a modeling contest in Germany.
vor 210 Monatenrobyyn-xxhi Heidi! do you preferer boots or heels?
vor 210 Monaten
i love project runway to your my idol :)Heidi KlumThanks for watching the show. I love Project Runway too! It always depends on what you are wearing. I love boots, I have tons of boots that I like to wear with dresses or super tight jeans. But I love heels and they have to be super high. I have alot of shoes!! It comes with the territory, I guess. And not the territory of being a model...of being a girl.
vor 210 Monatenlulu4792Where you anything for halloween?what?
vor 210 MonatenHeidi KlumI was a kitty cat. I was a European short hair tabby to be exact. I love it, I had fangs and a long tail. If you look around you can probably find a picture of it.
vor 210 Monaten