September 2010
- Das heutige Kleidungsstück ist das "Aurora Dress". Dieses Kleid gab es schon einmal vor ein paar Jahren auf stardoll zu kaufen, jetzt könnt Ihr es gratis bekommen.
- Kim Kardashian peppte ihr Kleid von Hannah Marshall mit einem trendigen Gürtel auf als sie auf die Party eines Promimagazins in Los Angeles ging. Kristina Cavallari trug das Kleid hingegen mit ein paar passsenden Highheels. Wem stehts besser? Stimmt ab!
- Wie niedlich sehen doch Kevin Jonas und Nick Jonas in ihren Softball-Outfits aus! Hinreissend! Die Jungs nahmen gestern an einer Charityveranstaltung im Roger Dean Stadium in Florida teil. Nick sah so aus, als ob er auch ein paar ernsthafte Bälle schlug. Gibt es was, das er nicht kann?!
- Die New York Fashion Week begann gestern Abend und "Project Runway"-Fans wissen, was das bedeutet! Die drei Finalisten der diesjährigen Show präsentierten vor Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia und Michael Kors ihre Kollektion und es wird der Sieger gekürt! Wie immer wird auch in diesem Jahr ein Promi-Jurymitglied mit von der Partie sein und es ist Jessica Simpson!
- Kim Kardashian styled up her Hannah Marshall with a clear belt for a magazine party in Los Angeles recently, but Kristin Cavallari wore this dress first and with matching heels. Which reality TV girl do you think wore it best?
Who: Lisa Mettier
What: Offset the romance of a lace top with menswear-inspired pants.
Wear: vintage top, belt and sunglasses, Zara pants, Ferragamo shows, Topshop bag
Photo: Courtney D'Alesio Think you are Street Chic? E-mail us your photo and you could appear in's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!
Who: Kate Driscoll
What: Indulge in feminine frills such as layered ruffles and floral patterns.
Wear: Topshop dress, Elie Tahari shoes
Photo: Kate Lord
Think you are Street Chic? E-mail us your photo and you could appear in's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!
- GQ Magazine in London held their annual Man of the Year Awards last night and as usual the event was packed full hot male celebrities and a few lovely female stars too! Mad Men hottie Jon Hamm won the big award, he was named International Man of the Year, while Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick won the breakout star award. Giorgio Armani was given the honour of designer of the year and Gemma Arterton is GQ's woman of the year. Take a look at what everyone was wearing below!
Stardoll Admin
Hey everybody it’s Liz here
So anyways, I want to start out by sending a big THANX and a super big KISS to all of you visiting our page on Stardoll and reading about our adventures in Winter Mill.
Well, back to the topic. I thought I’d blog a little bit about fashion, since that is what I love, love, love. In part 1 of this particular blog series, I’ll give you my best tips on putting together the ultimate party outfit, and then you guys can comment and tell me your best fashion secrets. Cool, huh? ;)
So uhm, ok . . . here goes:
How to pick the Right Outfit for a Party
(Post 1)
Tip One
One of the most important things when putting together the perfect party outfit (and my number one rule) is to always find something YOU like and feel absolutely great it. Don’t worry too much about what your friends say or what you think the cute boy (oh there’s always one!) wants you to wear. Chose something you like and they will love it too.
I hope you enjoyed my tip for today! Don’t forget to check back now and again for more style by Liz ;)
I luv you guys!
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