Juli 2011
PinkFashion96 Ist unsere Schmink-Queen. Sie hat meinen Make Up Wettbewerb gewonnen und nun habe ich sie einmal interviewt.
Photo: Target
Kids are having a great year, fashion-wise: Lanvin launched a tiny lux collection, Diane von Furstenberg teamed up with Gap, Fendi staged a runway show full of tots and Karl Lagerfeld put Chanel-clad kids on his Paris catwalk. But if you shy away from couture when it comes to your kid, thank Gwen Stefani. The singer, designer, model and mother of two is shrinking her Harajuku line into Harajuku Mini—a two part capsule collection launching at Target this fall. Stefani says it’s “a dream come true” and cites her usual inspiration, Japan, when talking about the soul of the collection. “The whole idea is about being creative, expressing your own individuality and having fun getting dressed,” she says. There will be clothes for boys, girls and babies and prices will range from $3.99 to $29.99. We’re not really sure why the logo is a hamburger, but it’ll sure look cute on a kid!
- Jetzt wird es spannend. Die Bewertungen wurden nun abgegeben. Ich habe noch drei weitere User aufgefordert zu bewerten, damit das Ergebnis so gerecht wie möglich wird.
Photo: Parsons
If a gang of 200 heel-clad fashion interns sounds like a well-dressed horror movie, you can take solace in their die-hard ambition. It was celebrated this weekend at Fashion Campus NYC, an event spearheaded by Parsons The New School for Design and NYC’s Economic Development Corporation that’s part of Mayor Bloomberg’s Fashion NYC 2020 plan to grow and sustain the city’s fashion industry by attracting the best of its future to America’s style epicenter. The weekend provided interns with a chance to network and receive invaluable career tips, all of which culminated with a poignant lecture by Derek Lam, moderated by Parsons’ Simon Collins, Dean of the school’s fashion department. Lam offfered these great tips among anecdotes of the trials and tribulations of building a modern fashion empire.
Hallo Leute!
Wie gefallen euch die Party's bei Stardoll??
Wie viele schmeißt ihr am Tag?
- Whitney Port ist ohne Frage eine sehr beschäftigte Frau! Am vergangenen Samstag sahen wir Whit gleich bei zwei Events! Zuerst war sie bei der Mara Hoffman Schwimmshow in Miami, Florida. Whit sah supersüß aus in einem Kleid mit knalligen Farben und Blumenmuster. All das Neongelb und Pfirsich machten das Kleid richtig miami-esque! Später sahen wir sie mit Shenae Grimes im W Hotel! Whitney trug ein kleines Schwarzes, aber hatte dieselben hautfarbenen, zehenfreien Heels an!Neben ihren Eventbesuchen, arbeitet Whitney gerade an ihrer preisgünstigen Modelinie. Vielleicht habt ihr schon von ihrer High-End-Linie "Whitney Eve" gehört. Nun möchte sie auch erschwinglichere Mode herausbringen. Wir sind schon gespannt! (stylebistro)
Photo: St. John
Kate Winslet’s St. John ads leaked about a month ago, but the brand’s ready to kick off their campaign with a behind-the-scenes video from their shoot. It’s far more interesting to watch an Acadmey Award-winning actress model on set than your average 18-year-old, especially when she’s posing for Craig McDean. “Kate is an ideal choice for our new campaign,” said St. John Creative Director George Sharp, the man behind their evolution. The short film, called Scenes of a Woman, was shot by Theo Stanley at an old movie theater in Jersey City. Though it’s hard for Winslet not to raise her voice on stage—”It’s my instinct in life really, just to speak really loudly”—she has no problem channeling her inner super model. She says of St. John, “The clothes are cut beautifully, the fabrics are elegant, you can look extremely chic without trying too hard. You don’t feel as though they’re clothes that only a model could wear…it’s a great thing to feel, that I’m wearing something that I believe in.”
- Ich habe ja schon angekündigt, dass ich einen zweiten Teil machen werde. Nun ja, hier ist er. Ich habe heute wieder ein paar Beispiele rausgesucht und hoffe, sie gefallen euch.
- Whitney Port is certainly a very busy girl! This past Saturday we spot Whit at not one but TWO events! First we saw her at the Mara Hoffman swim show in Miami, Florida. Whit looked super cute in a brightly colored floral dress, with all of the neon yellow and peaches- the colors were truly Miam-esque! And then later we saw her with Shenae Grimes at the W Hotel! Whitney changed into a LBD but kept the same nude, peep-toe heels!Besides running from event to event, Whitney is currently working on her own lower-priced fashion line. You may already know of her high-end line, Whitney Eve, and now the fashionista is planning to release a more affordable but "not cheap" line. Ummm, we totally can't wait! (stylebistro)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Frauenfußballnationalmannschaft in Japan.
Sie haben in einem spannenden Finale die Mannschaft aus den USA geschlagen und sich somit ihren ersten Weltmeistertitel verdient.
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"