März 2012
- Rachel Zoe has once again proved that she is the most stylish mom. Ever. We spotted Rachel heading to a lunch with her adorable son Skyler Berman yesterday and we don't want to sound nagging, but just look at her! We love her style and little Skyler is like the cutest kid ever!
- Hei meine lieben, ich habe mal alle eure Kommentaare zusammen gezählt. Die meisten Stimmen hat das berühmte 'Make Over'.
- Hey meine Lieben schaut mal was ich gefunden habe,ich habe letztens den Film Shopacolic und da sind die selben Kleidungen aber leider kann man sie nicht mehr kaufen(viel waren von Pretty in Pink).Also ich hoffe euch gefallen die Bilder ich wollte nur mal das ihr das sieht :).
- Gestern Nachmittag begann die Feier für Jessica Simpson's Baby. Jessica's engste Freunde kamen nach Los Angeles für eine Babyparty, die von Event Planner Mindy Weiss organisiert wurde.
- Wird Lady Gaga bald kleine Monster haben? Naja, vielleicht nicht sofort, aber sie will irgendwann Mutter werden. "Ich will Kinder, ich will eine Fußballmannschaft," sagte sie Oprah Winfrey als sie bei dieser in der Show war.
- Yesterday afternoon, the celebration of Jessica Simpson's baby girl began. Jessica's closest friends were gathered in Los Angeles for a baby shower organized by event planner Mindy Weiss. "Jessica looked pretty and very happy," says an eyewitness. We spotted some famouse faces on the baby shower like Jessica's sister Ashlee Simpson and Jessica Alba. "She's so excited to be a mom. She can't wait to meet her little girl," says a friend. The birth will happen any time soon and we're so excited to see the baby girl! (people)
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Die Trendfarbe Gold ist das Muss im Showbusiness!
Hier ist ein Foto auf dem Laufsteg von ELLE
- Collien Ulmen-Fernandes erwartet mit ihrem Mann Christian Ulmen ihr erstes gemeinsames Kind. Collien zeigte sich jetzt auf dem roten Teppich bei The Dome und wir müssen sagen ihr Bauch ist riesig.
Photo: FilmMagic
Rihanna’s partnership with Giorgio Armani is going strong—her most recent video for the brand dropped just last week, and the latest iteration of her design collaboration with Armani Jeans and Emporio Armani Underwear is about to be released. “It’s like 7 to 10 pieces,” she told Ryan Seacrest. “Apparel and accessories. We’ve done the fall collection already, and it was very, very successful, and now the spring collection is about to drop.” But it sounds like she may soon be pulling a Kanye West and venturing out on her own. She told Seacrest: “After that I’m really pursuing a fashion line of my own. I want to design. This is also a road that I want to earn it. So I’m working with designers. Designers that I respect, and [fashion] companies that I respect. I want people to really trust me before I just say ‘Buy it, because it’s mine.’”
Photo: Getty Images
Piers Morgan may consider Kate Moss a “vile little creature,” but two other mouthy Brits think she’s Absolutely Fabulous. The model, whose limited acting credits include two video shorts and one 1992 made-for-TV flick, will appear on a one-off episode of the raunchy cult classic. Its an unexpected move for Moss, who, for such a public face, is fiercely private and rarely grants interviews—especially on camera. Joining designer pal Stella McCartney and athletes Linford Christie and Colin Jackson, Moss will reportedly make her comedic debut on a March 23 episode benefiting UK charity initiative, Sport Relief. The charity’s particularly championed by David Walliams, whose wife Lara Stone would round out that foursome quite well. Stone tweeted the other day that she was on set for a Sport Relief shoot, but no word on whether or not she’ll join the lineup of attractive guest stars on Ab Fab. “Kate was really excited to get involved with the show. She’s a real fan and always quotes it with her mates,” a source tells the Mirror. “When she got the script, she squealed with delight. She thinks it’s brilliant, and she likes having a giggle at her own expense.”
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