September 2012
Today I thought I'd show you how to create a nice room with less than 100 items and I'd be creating it from scartch and sharing the process with you guys.
- Ever since the new stardesign hair tool, girls have been uses more depth on their medoll's face! A big trend sweeping dollywood is face shadings. Thankfully, user Kylie_Angel has got us covered on how to recreate this complex trend.
With fishtail braids, blunt bangs, top knot buns, or silky straight drops.. picking out your Stardoll hairstyle is one adventure! Whether you prefer getting your new locks from the classic Beauty Parlor or modern StarDesign here's one method anyone weakens for..
- We spotted party queen Lindsay Lohan and Chuck Bass actor Ed Westwick partying together the other night. Linds posted this pic of herself and Ed on Twitter with the caption: "Lindsay Lohan Artist of Many Things.. :)". So okay, what if Chuck and Linds started dating? What would you say - yay or nay? We're leaning towards a BIG NAY!
- For those of you in the northern hemisphere like me you'll have noticed that summer is over and autumn is creeping in, night time is coming earlier and the weather is cooling down, school and college are starting again and the leaves are falling on the ground. For those of you that love the summer and are sad to see it go here are some things to do to keep your spirits up these next few months!
Today's post on Stardoll fashion to real life fashion is a short one. I just have one item. It's a rare one, though! I don't see this item around too much these days. The tag itself says "RARE Inspired By Givenchy" so if you find these and you're a "rare collector", I'd grab these!
- We spotted Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart when they went for a swim at their hotel in Miami. One day they're breaking up and the next day it looks like they're on a honey moon? What's going on here really?! We're guessing they're trying to patch things up and to start over again!
- Vor ein paar Tagen hat Seal, Heidi Klums Ex-Mann, sie noch beschuldigt ihn während der Ehe betrogen zu haben. Aber jetzt hat sich auch Heidi über die Scheidung geäußert und spricht darüber, dass sie völlig über Seal hinweg ist
- Wir lieben Kristen Bell immer mehr! Sie ist einfach zuuu süß! Die hübsche Schauspielering war letztens bei "Conan" und verriet ihre ernsthafte Sucht nach Gutscheinen, ihre sparsamen Einkaufsgewohnheiten und sie hat auch ein schockierendes Geheimnis verraten. Wir können einfach nicht mehr aufhören zu lachen! Schaut euch das Video gleich unten an! Wie kann man denn dieses Mädel nicht lieben?
- Before the show began, I had great expectations for the Wackerhaus collection this time, after last year's South Beach Pastel collection, and I must say I was not disappointed. The catwalk was like a romantic dream, where the sweet delicate pastel looks mixed with gold and silver gave the collection a nice touch.
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"