Lady Gaga
We all know who Lady Gaga is- Some love her, some loathe her.
Lady Gaga is an inspiration to look up to because she is different and unique. She doesn't just follow trends- she creates them!I have found a doll on stardoll who has a celebrity look-a-like- Lady Gaga!
Her username is doll2005, and she looks so much alike to Lady Gaga.
Her doll is amazing! :)Take a look...
Yes, that's right. Lobster claws. No, silly! The shoes! While I was searching through the the starplaza, I came across these unique heels. You can find them in the otherworld store. Lady Gaga has made worn shoes like this before, so if your a little monster, these shoes should make you feel special! There are only three pairs available in the store. first pair: Violet Sheen Shoes (5 sd) second pair: Quartz Ablaze Shoes (5 sd) third pair: Bird Of A Feather Shoes (10 sd) I hoped you liked this review!
- This week I came across this doll and was inspired to make this blog.
Want to look like Lady Gaga? Well, I have a simple tutprial for you...
- Most of us know Lady Gaga, and how original she is. In order to interprate her look, we need a lot of makeup, so I went to TinkerTayzbell's me-doll and made a Lady Gaga look. This interpretation is one of Gaga's most famous looks. It’s a rather simple procedure, but the end result is AMAZING!
Hallo Leute!Heute habe ich etwas für euch vorbereitet,dass mit Lady Gaga zu tun hat:)Ich habe als erstes ein Foto von Lady Gaga und dann ein Foto von mir wie ich mich als Lady Gaga gestylt habe;)
Hoffentlich ist es mir gut gelungen.
- Hallo Leute.Heute habe ich für euch einige Fotos von Lady Gaga mitgebracht.Ich würde mich freuen,wenn ihr schreiben würdet welches Foto am schönsten ist!♥♥♥
- Trust Lady Gaga to think on her feet! Barely 24 hours after the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan causing extensive damage, Lady Gaga has released a specially designed charity bracelet to help those affected! The bracelet is in the colors of the Japanese flag and reads "We Pray for Japan" in both English and Japanese, and it also features her iconic monster claw! The bracelets only cost $5 as well, so we bet quite a few of her little monsters will be joining her in her good deed! She tweeted the following, "I Designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet. Buy It/Donate here and ALL proceeds will go to Tsunami Relief Efforts. Go Monsters"Are you going to buy the bracelet?
- Talent is all around! Check out Maria Aragon, a 10 year old Candian girl, whose version of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" blew up the 'net!
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