- Gestern Nacht fanden viele Veranstaltungen statt: Die TV Show "New Girl" wurde auf einer Gala geehrt, die Pariser Modewoche ist zu Gange und der Film "Friends With Kids" feierte Premiere.
- Later this month it's finally time for The Hungers Games to hit the theaters in the U.S. and based on the INSANE ticket sales we predict that it is going to be a record-breaking opening weekend! The promotional campaign has already ensured that it will have a massive opening weekend later this month, but early tracking suggests that it could be even bigger than Twilight, making over $100 million when it opens. Based on initial tracking, both box-office observers and exhibitors are saying that The Hunger Games could make close to $100 million during its opening weekend! That's crazy!The first Twilight movie opened to nearly $70 million. Do you think that HG will surpass it?
Guten Tag,
die einen lieben sie, die anderen hassen sie: Castingshows. Eine der erfolgreichsten Castingsshows Deutschlands, nämlich Deutschland sucht den Superstar
- Actor Alexander Skarsgård and the Olsen-twin's little sister Elizabeth Olsen is a very possible thing right now! The two were more than interested in chatting with each other in a corner at the Vanity Fair party instead of mingling with other A-list celebs. "They really enjoyed each other's company", said a witness. Skarsgård, known for his role on True Blood, recently broke up with Kate Bosworth. What do you think about this good looking flirt? We think they're a match made in heaven! (nypost)
- Palina Rojinski ist bekannt für ihren außergewöhnlichen Modegeschmack und wir lieben sie dafür. Nun hat sie einen neuen Job ergattert: sie ist das Gesicht von Otto.
- Heidi Klum wurde mit Tochter Lou Sulola Samuel im Park gesehen. Abgesehen von dem guten Wetter und der netten Begleitung sah Heidi total schlecht aus. Vermisst sie Seal?
- With birds singing every morning, the sun shining, and flowers just starting to bloom- it sure feels like spring. Ok, maybe not quite yet! But soon! And with spring comes brighter colors! Forget the heavy jewelry of winter, it's time for turquoise. This bright blue stone is the perfect complement for any skin tone or dress color! Click on the pics and be inspired by turquoise jeweled celebs.
- Christian Louboutin's designs has taken the celebrity world by storm. His red soled shoes are all the rage in Hollywood. We love them and so do our favorite celebs. Click on the pictures to find out which stars that prefer a red sole!
- Wir haben Reese Witherspoon am Sonntag nach dem Gottesdienst gesehen und sie sah ein wenig schwanger aus, oder?
- We spotted fashion guru Rachel Zoe on a sunny walk in West Hollywood with her son Skyler Berman and husband Rodger Berman. Rachel must be one of Hollywood's most stylish mom's! She is always, and then we mean always, fashionable!
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