- Moritz Bleibtreu erschien zur Premiere seines neuen Films "Die vierte Macht" mit Augenklappe. Ein neues modisches Accessoire?
- Zwei der einflussreichsten Frauen der Welt arbeiten zusammen gegen Mobbing - wie toll ist das denn? Lady Gaga und Oprah Winfrey besuchten gestern Harvard zur Eröffnung der "Born This Way Foundation."
- Man hat in letzter Zeit immer wieder Gerüchte gehört, dass Wiz Khalifa und Model Amber Rose verlobt sind. Das Paar ist ziemlich gerissen, wenn es ums Verraten von Zukunftsplänen geht, aber sie wollten sich wirklich verloben, es ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. Oder besser gesagt war eine Frage der Zeit.
- Gestern war Justin Biebers Geburtstag! Er machte sich einen richtig schönen Tag, ging Fallschirmspringen und Abends schick mit Freunden essen. Sein richtiges Geburtstagsgeschenk aber soll ein richtiges Anwesen sein.
- Yesterday was Justin Bieber's birthday. The Biebs went all out for his 18th birthday, in the afternoon Justin went parachuting and later had a fancy dinner with friends, but his real birthday gift was real estate. Justin is planning on buying not one BUT two LA mansions! Right now he has his sights set on the former homes of the Kardashians, the Jacksons, Britney Spears, and Ashton Kutcher. Justin described Ashton's home as "really dope." Justin wants to buy one mansion for himself and one for his mom. It's kinda sweet, but at the same time it's such a waste of money! The two cheapest mansions would cost a total of $14 million! Justin is 18, he doesn't need a mansion. (tmz)
- Schaut ihr eigentlich DSDS? Uns sind in der letzten Sendung vor allem die schrecklichen grellbunten Outfits aufgefallen. Neon ist ja zur Zeit im Trend, aber man sollte es nicht übertreiben - so wie Silvia & Co.
- The two most powerful celebs in the world are now working together to prevent bullying - how great is that?! Lady Gaga and Oprah Winfrey visited Harvard yesterday to launch the youth-empowering "Born This Way Foundation." The foundation's purpose is to “foster a more accepting society, where differences are embraced and individuality is celebrated.” It was founded by Lady Gaga and her mother Cynthia Germanotta after a 14-year-old boy killed himself in 2011 because of bullying he endured online and at school.The nonprofit organization is partner's with Harvard's Center for Internet & Society and together they address "issues of self-confidence, anti-bullying, mentoring, and career development through research, education, and advocacy, in large part by harnessing the power of the Internet." "Bullying must become illegal", the singer stated on Twitter recently. We really support this foundation! A great step in the right direction! (rollingstone)
- Sofia Coppola hat Emma Watson für ihren neusten Film "The Bling Ring" verpflichten können. Der Film wird auf wahren Begebenheiten basieren und von einer Gruppe Jugendlicher handeln, die vom Ruhm besessen in Häuser von Promis einbrechen und teure Sachen stehlen.
- We spotted Rihanna when she was seen leaving her hotel in London. She really has her own style, and her outfit is really something that only she could look good in. We love her original style!
- Hollywood celebs often branch out in literature by writing their own books. Some of our favorite celebs like Lauren Conrad and Whitney Port have followed the trend of becoming an author. Click on the picture to see more celebrities that have released their own book!
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