- There are a lot of hot celebs out there, like too many to count. So we decided to find our fave celebs born in the 80s and drool over them today. Seriously, could it get any better? Click on the pics to see the hottest guys ever!
Heii ihr Lieben,
Es ist zwar noch nicht warm genug um kurze Hosen zu tragen, aber Bein kann man auch jetzt schon zeigen..Stars wie Rihanna und Taylor Swift zeigen es vor, da das Wetter zurzeit passend ist: Nicht zu warm und nicht zu kalt
- We love accessorizing with feathers. They're a great way to add fun and flair to your outfit and can also look very chic. We love how Blake Lively wore a feathery skirt and how Mischa Barton went more subtle with a peacock clutch. What a great way to spice up a boring outfit. Click on the pics to see more!
Hallo zusammen.
Heute hab ich wieder im Shop nachgeschaut was eigentlich so beliebt ist und dabei herausgekommen ist:
Hallo zusammen!
Im Starplaza sind drei neue, wunderschöne Etagen von Tingeling vorhanden!
Hi ihr Lieben :)
Auf meinen Umstyling-Aufruf von vergangener Woche haben sich wirklich viele Nutzer gemeldet & aus diesen habe ich mir 4 Dolls ausgesucht & auch umgestylt.
- We spotted Kanye West at Fashion Week in London. Kanye is totally in style with his neon green sweater, jean jacket, and gold necklace. We would totally wear this!
- Celebrities like Alessandra Ambrosio and Lindsay Lohan love the maxi skirt, and so do we! This all time favorite garment is both comfortable, cute and so trendy! Click on the pics to see celebrities in cool maxi skirts!
- Die Berlinale ist vorbei und wir haben für euch unsere Top 15 der Outfits herausgesucht - von den schlimmsten Modedesastern bis zu den schönsten Kleid ist alles dabei.
- Victoria Beckham was recently spotted at fashion week and as usual people criticized her for looking unhappy and angry. But VB promises that she's not mad! She's just tired. She's been planning her collection for New York Fashion Week, making business calls to the US when it's England's night, and taking care of little Harper Seven. "I’m not going to lie about it, I’m tired. I’m really tired but I’m also very happy with my life. I’m basically just like any woman who’s working and has lots of children – it’s tough." So if Victoria doesn't look happy, it's because she's leading a normal life. Get some sleep Victoria! (dailymail)
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Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"