Hei :),
Natürlich sind die schönsten Kleider den SS vorbehalten, denoch gibt es immer wieder, wunderschöne Non-SS Kleider und Accessoires! Hier ein paar der Must-Haves dieses Monat:
- This week, Ryan Reynolds, gets the honor of being Celeb of the Week! Ryan is a relationship guy, he's been linked to Sandra Bullock, married to Scarlett Johansson, and is currently dating Blake Lively! We think Ryan is ridiculously hot and we love his style, he's always in classic shirts, coats, and ties. Click on the pics to see more of Ryan!
Hey liebe Leser,
auch in der kommenden Herbst-/Wintersaison setzen die Designer auf Farbe. Knallige Sommertöne wie Orange und Gelb, Fuchsia und Kobaltblau, Jadegrün und Feuerrot werden von den Modemachern kurzerhand in Winterfarben umfunktioniert. Vielleicht bringen sie ein wenig Strahlen in die kalte Jahreszeit, gerade jetzt, wo der Sommer uns in diesem Jahr scheinbar vergessen hat.
- We all know that dog is man's best friend, right? In Hollywood our furry little friends have always been popular among celebs, and we totally get it! We just love pets! Click on the pictures and check out the ten cutest celebrity pets in Hollywood!
- Is there anything more fabulous than getting a manicure? Our favorite celebrities have the best looking nails, they're always experimenting with new nail trends and colors! We often see celebs like Jessica Alba and Whitney Port at nail salons, we're jealous! Click on the pics to check out the hottest nail trends in Hollywood!
- Matthias Schweighöfer ist nicht nur umwerfend gutaussehend, sondern auch super talentiert. Nicht nur, dass er in Filmen wie Keinohrhasen oder What a Man überzeugend spielt, nein er ist auch sehr musikalisch.
- Off-duty celebrities sure love the color black! And so do we! It's timeless, flattering, and stylish. Although some color would be nice, we totally understand that black is king when it comes to fashion. Click on the pics to see our fave celebs dressed for the street!
- Jedward Fans aufgepasst! Die verrückten Zwillinge haben ihre Haare geschnitten! Es ist ein kurzer, asymmetrischer Schnitt geworden und uns gefällt es eigentlich ganz gut.
- Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen have been named the most stylish sisters by Vogue and they will be on the cover of the special Best Dressed issue! Strangely enough, Mary-Kate and Ashley have never been on the cover of Vogue, so it's about time!
The twins beat out other celebrity sisters like: Dakota and Elle Fanning, Kate and Pippa Middleton, Beyonce and Solange Knowles, and Rooney and Kate Mara. We think they deserved to win! While they've always been famous, they gained notice for their boho-chic style back in 2004, "We were called eccentric and eclectic...but we were just two California girls trying to dress for the New York winter." Congrats to Mary-Kate and Ashley! (yahoo)
- It's that time of year, the temperature has dropped, and it's just getting colder and colder, so it's time to cover up those beautiful legs. Pair your favorite summer dress with a pair of tights, we especially love colored or patterned tights, they're perfect for staying warm and fashionable! We really loved Lady Gaga's lace tights and while we give Nicki Minaj points for creativity, hers were a bit too weird! Click on the pics and check out our favorite celebrity tights!
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