- Hey Dollies!
Wir haben den neusten Trend aufgespürt und ihn gleich mal nach gemacht, denn diesen Winter heißt es "Rot ist das neue Schwarz"!
- Most mornings we're running really late, we barely have enough time to drink a cup of coffee, so it's a rare morning when we have time to fix our hair! Thankfully there's a really easy hair style that works for just about any occasion! We're huge fans of the classic ponytail! We love that it works for a casual day of shopping or a fancy party. If you're on-the-go just throw your hair up, but if you're going to a party take a few extra seconds, brush your hair back into a slick pony, secure it tightly, and spray with hairspray! Click on the pics to check out our favorite celebs with ponytails!
- Letzte Nacht wurden die Nominierten für die 2012 People's Choice Awards bekannt gegeben! Und nun liegt es an uns, den Fans, zu unsere Favouriten zu wählen.
- Kurz nachdem Kim Kardashian bekannt gab, dass sie sich von Kris Humphries scheiden lässt, ist sie nach Australien geflogen. Der Trip war rein geschäftlich, Kim wurde bezahlt, aber in der Hälfte der Reise flogt sie zurück in die USA um Kris zu treffen und yu "reden".
- Am Wochenende fanden die EMAs 2011 in Belfast statt. Und Lena Meyer-Landrut aka Lena gewann überraschend nicht nur den Preis als „Best German Act“ sondern auch "Best European".
- Are you like us bending yourselves over backwards trying to find the perfect winter jacket for this season? Well we've got some inspirational pics that might make things a whole lot easier for you! We've gathered winteresque candids of some of our favorite celebrity fashionistas, and we're pretty sure there is a little something for everyone here. Enjoy!
- Yesterday was a special day for the Twilight trio as they were immortalized on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, but what made it even more special was the fact that one of Rob's biggest fans got her dying wish granted! The woman, named Rachel was there watching the event together with her caretakers and made a polite request to a news reporter to see if she could get a quick meet-and-greet with the man of her dreams, Robert Pattinson. Said and done, Rob came to meet her and what happened next you can see in the video below...Utterly heart-warming!
- Have you like us, lost quite a bit of sleep trying to figure out the gender of Beyoncé and Jay-Z's baby? Well, despair no more! Beyoncés former Destiny's Child bandmate and close friend Kelly Rowland recently let the baby's gender slip in an interview with US Weekly - it's a girl!
When asked what present she might buy for the upcoming baby shower, Kelly said, “I don’t know. I think her dad (Jay-Z) is gonna give her everything anyways, all I can give her is love.”
Kelly however didn't realize her mistake straight away, so when the reporters then asked if she thought the child would grow up spoiled, she continued to refer to it as a 'she', saying, "I think she’ll be very well behaved. Her parents will make sure of that.”
To be perfectly honest, we were hoping for a girl! Words can't describe how amazing a little mini-Beyoncé will be!
- While it may seems easy, applying makeup can sometimes be a shot in the dark. Some combos work while others should never see the light of day, the same goes for technique! Thankfully, some of our favorite celebs have amazing make up artists who have taught them the tricks of the trade and we just had to share with you. Click on the pics to check out the best combos and tricks that these gorgeous celebs use every day!
- Am Wochenende war Justin Timberlake zu Gast bei 'Wetten dass...?' um seinen neuen Film ‘In Time – Deine Zeit läuft an’ zu bewerben. Nachdem Hape Kerkeling die Nachfolge Gottschalks ablehnte, fragte Gottschalk einfach Justin, ob er es nicht machen will.
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