- We all know putting your hair up in a ponytail is a great solution for a bad hair day, but that doesn't need to be the only time you wear one! Fashionistas everwhere have been seen wearing ponytails for events and parties. Think Gisele Bundchen, Lauren Conrad and Gossip Girl's Michelle Trachtenburg, just to name a few!
- Man sagt, je älter man wird, desto ähnlicher wird man seiner Mutter und auf Kate Moss könnte das jetzt zutreffen! Als junges und wildes Supermodel hätte sie sich das wohl nie denken können, aber gestern sahen wir Kate und ihre Mutter beim Shoppen in London und die beiden sahen sich ziemlich ähnlich!
- Aging supermodel Kate Moss has had bangs cut into her hair. We spotted her out and about in London yesterday showing off her new haircut and she seems to be loving it, but we are not so sure....The fringe is probably to help hide some of the new wrinkles on her forehead, now that she is getting into her 40's, so we think the bangs are probably better than botox, points to her for that! Maybe it will just take some time to get used to before we think she is fab again. How do you feel about the new style?
- X Factor judge and singer Cheryl Cole showed off a brand new hair color yesterday! She has swapped her usual chocolate brown for a deep purpley red mahogany look. Fellow judge Simon Cowell teased Cheryl about the new colour during the show this week, but in the end he said she looked good. What do you think of the change?
- Desperate Housewives-Star Teri Hatcher überraschte gestern Abend alle bei einem Event im Four Seasons Hotel mit ihrer brandneuen Frisur! Teri ist bekannt für ihre langen, schwarzen Locken und jetzt trägt sie einen Bob. Das ist eine große Veränderung! Wie findet ihr es? Stimmt ab!
- Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher surprised everyone at an event at the Four Seasons Hotel last night by showing up with a brand new hair cut! Teri is famous for her dark long locks and now she has gone for a bob. Its a big change! What do you think? Vote!
- Die britische Schauspielerin und Chanel-Muse Keira Knightley zeigte am vergangenen Wochenende ihre brandneue Frisur auf der "Chanel Ready to Wear"-Show bei der Paris Fashion Week. Wir finden, dass sie mit diesem Bob ausgezeichnet aussieht, gerade da ihre Haut so toll ist zurzeit! Was findet ihr - steht ihr der Look oder nicht?
- British actress and Chanel muse Keira Knightley showed off a brand new hairdo at the Chanel Ready To Wear show at Paris Fashion Week this past weekend. We think she looks pretty amazing in the new bob style, especially because her skin is so gorgeous at the moment! What do you think - is it a hot look for her or not?
- Autumn is the perfect time to change up your look and try something different. Many celebrities like Whitney Port, Jessica Alba and Vanessa Hudgens have been experimenting with a hot new hairdo style lately. After all, the easiest way to make a change is to do something different with your hair. Top knots are a chic finish to many looks plus they give your face an instant lift and show off flawless skin and cheekbones, if like these celebs you have them, flaunt them!
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