- Forget all the boring black and brown bags, because this spring it's coloursthat are in. Invest in a colorful bag and match it like Blake Lively and Alexa Chung does. Click on the pictures to get inspired!
- Kim Kardashian was spotted outside the gym in Sherman Oaks Los Angeles. We're used to seeing Kim all dressed up, but it's nice to see that she's just like us.
Hei ihr lieben, ich hab beschlossen, dass ich erstmal weiter mit 'MAKE OVER's mache. Ich habe mir heute eine neue Doll ausgesucht & ein Style für sie ausgedacht.
- We spotted Jessica Alba when she arrived at Jessica Simpson's baby shower in Los Angeles. Looks like it was a great party! We like Jessica's military green vest that she uses over her leather jacket, stylish!
Dear readers,
the weather is getting better and better and so it’s time to get a new spring wardrobe.
As always stardoll has some great new clothes- and lots of them are for starcoins.That’s why I decided to make a short post about outfits with some of the new starcoin-clothing: (of course I also used some of the old stuff)
You love to talk about;
- Ashton Kutcher is leaving Earth! The Two and a Half Men star recently signed up to be the 500th "astronaut customer" that will go to space with Virgin Galactic."I gave Ashton a quick call to congratulate and welcome him. He is as thrilled as we are at the prospect of being among the first to cross the final frontier (and back!) with us and to experience the magic of space for himself, Richard Branson, Virgin CEO announced on his blog. But we still don't know the date of Ashton's flight. The estimated price for his space trip is around $200,000 (!). (x17)
- Weil mein erster Beitrag vielen von euch eher nicht gefallen hat ,werde ich es mit einem zweiten Anlauf versuchen diesmal geht es um Kleider die aus Möbeln zusammengestellt wurden.Die Do it yourself Kleider waren besonders in der MSW Wahl gut angekommen...
- Der Frühling kommt! Bei einigen später (so wie hier), bei anderen ist er schon da, aber er kommt mit Sicherheit.
Zeit für mich, euch ein paar meiner Frühlingsgarderoben-Favoriten zu zeigen - und ein, zwei meiner All-time-Favoriten natürlich, denn diese sind einfach immer unersätzlich!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"