- Habt ihr Madonnas Halbzeitshow beim Superbowl gesehen? Es war toll! So, so, so großartig! Wenn ihr es verpasst habt, schaut euch auf jeden Fall das Video an!
- We love Kristen Bell. She's completely adorable and everything she does makes us so happy! Oh and she's dating Dax Shepard- lucky! For her birthday, Dax got her a visit from a sloth! Here's the thing: Kristen LOVES sloths. She's absolutely crazy about them. And when she found out a sloth was visiting, she had a complete and total meltdown. Check out the hilarious video below!
- We love watching the webseries Talent. It's inspired us to follow our own dreams! We know it's a tought world out there, but Talent shows us that anything if possible. In season two, follow Harper Walker as she tries to make her dream of becoming a pop star a reality! If you want to watch the vids, just go to Talent's site! New episodes air every Tuesday and Thursday. And make sure to become a fan on Facebook for tips about making it in Hollywood, freebies, and great insider info.
- Fashion giant, H&M, released a vid with their trends for this spring. Think pastels, sporty lux, and neon colorblocking! We love all these trends and can't wait to stock up. Check it out!
- Meistens haben wir gerade noch Zeit unsere Haare zu föhnen und Styling ist damit außer Frage. Wir haben dieses tolle Youtube Video gefunden, das zeigt wie man den perfekten Doughnut Haarknoten macht. Es ist so einfach und leicht! Das müsst ihr versuchen!
- Jim Carrey’s 24 year old daughter, Jane Carrey, auditioned for American Idol and of course the family of a A-lister in Hollywood gets special treatment. Unlike the others who wanted to audition, she didn’t have to wait in line for days. A source said “Her audition was pre-arranged with the producers. She did not wait and line up for hours or days outside – she had a time, showed up and went in.”The judges knew who Jane was and they sent her to the next round! We wonder if that was special treatment too? She called Jim outside and he said “I can’t wait for the world to understand what she has. Way to go. Oh my god this is going to be an exciting year!” Well, now we’re definitely are going to follow American Idol! So exciting! Watch the video to see the whole audition! (radaronline)
- A lot of people wonder what really happened between Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Not that they were the most stabile of couples, but we thought they'd do better than 72 days! In the show "Kim & Kourtney Take New York", we get to follow Kim closely through the break up. In the latest episode, Kim burst into tears when she talked about her previous divorce with Damon Thomas, in 2004. She said it got her thinking about her marriage with Kris and told Kourtney: “I honestly feel like I can’t do this anymore with Kris. … I don’t want to be married anymore... I feel like I got into this way too fast … you know, I’m not happy.” In the next episode we'll see Kim talk to the rest of her family and also what Kris has to say about Kim. (celebuzz) Psst! Did you miss the episode? Check out the video to see Kim's breakdown!
- We spotted super cute Sean Preston, Britney Spears' oldest son, showing off his dance moves. Do you think he will follow in his mother's footsteps?
- Der Modegigant H&M hat ein Video von den neusten Frühlingstrends veröffentlicht: Es wird viel Pastell, sportlich-luxuriöse Kleider und Neonfarben geben - wir lieben diese Trends und können es kaum erwarten, unserer Kleiderschrank zu füllen. Schaut euch das Video hier an!
- Viele fragten sich, was genau zwischen Kim Kardashian und Kris Humphries abgegangen ist. Nicht, dass sie das Paar des Jahrhunderts waren, aber 72 Tage Ehe ist schon ein Ding! In der Sendung "Kim & Kourtney Take New York" konnte der Zuschauer Kim durch ihre Trennung begleiten Folge verpasst habt, dann schaut euch hier das Video des Zusammenbruchs an!
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