Σεπτέμβριος 2011

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We spotted Beyoncé promoting her new fragrance Pulse in New York the other day. As if her pregnancy glow wasn't enough, Beyoncé was also wearing a shiny, electric blue blazer and dress combo! She looked great, however the dress did look awfully minimalistic on her. It might be an indication that she should start with her maternity clothes shopping soon! If you need any help with it Beyoncé, just let us know. We'd love to tag along!
  • Elle.StardollElle.Stardoll


    Photo: Getty Images

    It’s hard to say which got more press the day after the royal wedding—Kate Middleton’s Alexander McQueen gown or Pippa Middleton’s bum. Both received rave reviews, earned front page treatment from newspapers, and are still written about almost daily. Kate’s dress might have spawned legions of knock-off lace gowns, but Pippa’s backside launched a Facebook fan club with almost 300,000 followers. Pippa may not be a royal, but she earns as much attention as her sister, the Duchess of Cambridge, and though she’s not even engaged to her boyfriend of a few months designers are already staking claim to her wedding dress. Alice Temperley, who designed the dress Pippa wore to Kate and Will’s reception, sat Middleton front row at her show last week and just told the Telegraph that she too has a thing for Pippa’s bottom. “I’d love to dress Pippa for her wedding when it happens,” Temperley said. “She’s so beautiful—she’s perfect and her bum is perfect—it would be such an honour.”
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Fergie Gets Waxed!

    πριν 164 μήνες 188 σχόλιο(α)

    Black Eyed Peas hottie Fergie is the latest celebrity to be immortalized in a wax doll at the famous Madame Tussaudes museum! Fergie's doll was dressed in a very futuristic outfit, probably inspired by her stage wear from the latest Black Eyed Peas tour. The unveiling was held at the Venetian Resort and Casino Las Vegas the other day and by the looks of it, it was love at first sight for Fergie!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Yet another reason to be jealous of Justin Bieber's girlfriend Selena Gomez! It seems Justin is a real sucker for treating his lady to fairytale dates and last night, he arranged for an extravagant date that sure is going to hard for any other 17-year-old to top, ever. He rented the entire Staples Center in L.A. for just Selena and him and had it show a screening of one of the most romantic movies ever made - James Cameron's masterpiece Titanic!

    Insiders revealed that Justin came up with the idea after seeing the movie "Mr. Deeds" where Adam Sandler surprises Winona Ryder with a date at Madison Square Garden and luckily for us, they also had some in-tell on how it all went down! Apparently Justin took Selena to an Demi Lovato concert at the close by Nokia Theater then mysteriously said, "Come with me" and took her underground to Staples Center where he debuted his surprise.

    Are you wondering what sort of ridiculous amounts he had to pay for this? Well, he didn't have to pay a dime actually. Since he has sold out the venue three times and there was nothing scheduled for yesterday, they agreed to let him have the entire arena for free.
  • Elle.StardollElle.Stardoll


    Quoted: YSL

    πριν 164 μήνες 87 σχόλιο(α)

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Vanessa Hudgens always looks awesome! We spotted the little fashionista at the gas station in the greatest outfit ever! Don't you just love love looove the boots? We do! You just keep on impressing us Vanessa! Click on the pic to see more of Vanessa's hot outfit!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Is it possible to look chic and stylish, in a cast? Well, Jessie J can! She definitely pulls it off! It was at a rehearsal in June that Jessie J fell off the stage and ripped off a ligament in her foot. Jessie was rushed to the hospital got a cast and crutches as a result of the accident. Jessie hasn't let the cast stop her from performing or looking fabulous! We have spotted her on the red carpet, on stage and strolling around making it look like that cast is a fashion accessory! Impressive! Jes is super chic and we have selected our favorite looks on her in a cast, who said crutches and a cast couldn't look totally cool?
  • Danae.StardollDanae.Stardoll



    Κάναμε τις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις στους Ημι-φιναλίστ Ελλάδας Miss Stardoll World:

    1. Θέλεις να μας πεις πώς νιώθεις τώρα που ξέρεις ότι είσαι στον Ημιτελικό MSW;
    2. Μίλησέ μας για σένα. Γιατί πρέπει να νικήσεις εσύ;
    3. Τι σου αρέσει περισσότερο από όλα στο Stardoll;
    4. Θέλεις να δώσεις κάποια συμβουλή στα άλλα μέλη από την Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο για το πώς να φτιάξουν τη MeDoll και τη Σουίτα τους για το διαγωνισμό MSW του χρόνου;
    5. Τι πιστεύεις πως πρέπει να κάνουν οι Ελληνίδες Stardolls για να φανούν πιο πολύ στο Stardoll;
    6. Τέλος, θέλεις να πεις κάτι σε όσους ψηφίζουν;

    Δες τι απάντησε η Kathlin2010...
  • Danae.StardollDanae.Stardoll



    Κάναμε τις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις στους Ημι-φιναλίστ Ελλάδας Miss Stardoll World:

    1. Θέλεις να μας πεις πώς νιώθεις τώρα που ξέρεις ότι είσαι στον Ημιτελικό MSW;
    2. Μίλησέ μας για σένα. Γιατί πρέπει να νικήσεις εσύ;
    3. Τι σου αρέσει περισσότερο από όλα στο Stardoll;
    4. Θέλεις να δώσεις κάποια συμβουλή στα άλλα μέλη από την Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο για το πώς να φτιάξουν τη MeDoll και τη Σουίτα τους για το διαγωνισμό MSW του χρόνου;
    5. Τι πιστεύεις πως πρέπει να κάνουν οι Ελληνίδες Stardolls για να φανούν πιο πολύ στο Stardoll;
    6. Τέλος, θέλεις να πεις κάτι σε όσους ψηφίζουν;

    Δες τι απάντησε η StarGianna...
  • AnastasiaCalmAnastasiaCalm




