Toukokuu 2011
Photo: Fripesketchup
La Fripe, French for ‘second-hand’ is popular in Paris, yet not as developed as in other cities: New York, London, Berlin all have catchy concept boutiques offering vintage clothing – yet the French variety falls into two categories: either dépôt-ventes (where one sells and buys used luxury goods for a vaguely less outrageous price), or dirt-cheap, filthy items in smelly shops.
- Kuinka moni teistä on huomannut, että mm. vuosien -06 ja -07 hot buyssit eivät varsinaisesti olleet hot buysseja, eivätkä kulkeneet Hot Buys-nimellä? Itse en ainankaan tätä seikkaa tiennyt, mutta tänään se minulle selvisi, ja huomasin, että minunkin vaatekaapistani löytyi kyseisiä vaatekappaleita, joita olin ostanut aivan pilkkahintaan.
- Haastattelin jäsentä amppu2009.
Photo: Getty Images
Here’s a fun piece of info to brighten up this Friday morning: Azzedine Alaïa, reclusive designer that he is, has announced that he will present a collection at the upcoming couture shows in Paris this July.
What we do know: There’s no date set yet (the shows run from July 4th – 8th), and he’s calling the collection “semi-couture.” What we want to know: We’re not exactly sure what the “semi” implies (Too few looks? Only eveningwear?) but we do think it’s safe to assume that the reclusive Tunisian-born designer — who typically only shows collections in small setting, and really only when he feels like it — might be able to conjure some big names to model the clothes. We’re guessing Naomi, who’ll be fresh off her role as maid of honor to Kate Moss on July 2nd, is practically a definite. But can he get Kate to postpone any honeymoon plans to strut his stuff? Stay tuned.
Courtesy of Max Mara
Celine Dion put a twist on menswear when she donned an over-sized, backwards Dior white tux to the Oscars in 1999. Some said she recovered it from the Titanic wreck, while others adored a peak of her seductively bare back. Then again, those who’ve adopted this style include sexy red carpet regulars like Angelina Jolie, Dita Von Teese, and Ashley Olsen. Whether you’re a fan or foe, the androgynous ensemble makes for a flirty conversation starter. Here’s what to consider if you’re going to try the tux trend on for size:
- Mitä te aiotte tehdä kesälomalla? Itse aion ainakin ottaa aurinkoa, piirtää, valokuvata, uida, olla kavereiden kanssa ja rentoutua! Jäätelöäkin pitää kyllä syödä rutkasti!
Urban Outfitters necklace (L), tru.che necklace; Photos courtesy of Urban Outfitters and Etsy
The criminal minds behind Urban Outfitters strike again! The publicly traded American company has a knack for counterfeiting ideas from independent and local designers across the nation. Yesterday, a customer notified Chicago-based independent jewelry designer Stevie of that her The World/United States of Love line was replicated and sold in—you guessed it—Urban Outfitters. The line of necklaces features cutouts of states and a heart nestled in the middle. Urban Outfitters is selling similar versions at $19 a piece.
Urban Outfitters has a history of “borrowing” designs. In 2003, Crownfarmer released a white T-shirt with a red Canadian leaf in the middle titled, “Legalize It.” By 2007, Urban Outfitter stack the racks with an inverse version—red T-shirt, white leaf, same title. In 2006, Johnny Cupcakes’ designer Johnny Earle fell victim to his infamous cupcake-dropping planes. Urban Outfitters debuted on its shelves a slightly revised version: instead of cupcakes facing one way (à la Johnny Cupcake original), Urban Outfitter’s Urban Renewal T-shirt had cupcakes facing left and right in a different color palette. In late early 2010, Brooklyn-based jewelry designer Lillian Crowe designed a rib cage necklace only to discover a model knockoff in the latest Urban Outfitters online catalog.
Can someone give Urban Outfitters, Inc. chairman Richard Hayne lessons on Entrepreneurship & Ethics 101?
- Haastattelin jäsentä Anni_Staras. Hän on ystävieni joukossa, ja päätin laittaa hänen näkökulmansa Stardolista esille.
- Ok girls! Get excited! This season's trend of chunky 70's inspired heels means no more wobbling around on thin, spiky heels. Anyone else ever afraid of breaking an ankle from those things? Not only are these shoes completely comfortable but they look great with everything! Pair 70's platforms with boyfriend jeans and tank top- you have the perfect casual chic outfit! We also love chunky heels with cute sundresses or a maxi dress. Do you own a pair of 70's inspired shoes, if so, how do you wear them?
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