Regarding The 1950s - My Last Post
Welcome back.
My last post based on the 1950s gained more controversy than anything I've written, in 8 years of blogging.
I've been called 'ignorant,' 'bigoted,' and much more. I genuinely want to start by saying I never wanted to upset/offend anyone, or trivialize social issues. I don't identify as straight myself and am a girl of color and would never think of trivializing the issues linked to discrimination against people with marginalized identities.
I don't believe that the 1950s were all sunshine and rainbows, and don't want anyone else to believe that either. There were many, many prevalent issues throughout the 1950s such as racism, homophobia, gender-based discrimination, and more.
My intention of the last post was to tell people that the 1950s were a step in the right direction. All these countries gaining their independence was the first step to many activists starting their journey, and colonized areas rebuilding themselves. If I did not make my intentions clear, I am genuinely sorry to all of you.
Having experienced many forms of racism myself, I am fully aware of the things that went on in the 1950s. However, some people who have faced racism may have been upset by the content I could have mentioned. I don't like to talk too much about difficult topics with a wider audience as some people have PTSD/C-PTSD/ may just feel uncomfortable discussing things that may link in with abuse they faced in the past.
To summarize, I wanted to talk about the iconic moments of the 1950s without going too far into detail about the social issues so as to upset people. I am also an art blogger and wanted to include information about the 1950s from an art blogger's perspective. I am genuinely sorry if I did not make my intentions with my last post clear- and was not trying to glorify any discrimination that took past in the era.
However, it's okay to disagree with people without pointing fingers, or being abusive. I am a teenager like many of you (14), and it is genuinely hurtful to see a large amount of readers describing you as things they would hate to be called themselves. I am sorry once again if anyone genuinely believed I was glorifying racism, but this is so far-fetched and untrue. If any future bloggers strike you in this way, remember that it is possible to inquire about one's thought process without being hateful.
Thank you,
Jaya x
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