

Be a blogger IRL // my experience

115 महीने पहले

I began my adventure as a blogger in 2006, when there were no fashion/travel/food/whatever-you-want bloggers, and I was very intimidated by comments from readers.


When in 2010 I became Starblogger, I realized that my posts were not so terrible, so I decided to open another blog and I started to send my articles to various companies.


Now this is my job, so what is my typical day?

I wake up every morning at 6.30 am and I go to run.
When I get back I have breakfast because I need a lot of energy!


"The early morning has gold in its mouth", so I spend my time writing at least three posts.

In the afternoon I study writing techniques or strategies. Then I dedicate myself to social media. The most challenging part is the creation of the editorial calendar!

Finally, the evening is dedicated to meetings, but I just prefer to watch TV until midnight.

Is it an easy job? Not at all, because everything depends on what I write.
But I'm very satisfied because I built this job just for me.


What about you? Do you have any job you dream about?

इसमें पोस्ट की गई:newsuser contentbloggerensemplicementMiasocial mediaprofessiondream job



हमारे Star ब्लॉगर्स के बारे में जानें


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