


114 महीने पहले

I have noticed that things on Stardoll can get a bit... on edge. You can cut the tension with a knife and it's a problem with the members. A feud between Royalty/Superstar members and regular members is brewing.

The argument is that Royalty/Superstars are getting much better treatment and a lot more special offers and features than non-Superstars. All the while, Superstars are saying that they deserve the new features and perks because they are paying.

Where do I stand in this argument? Well, I'm kind of like that friend that just awkwardly stands in the middle not knowing what to say or do.

Non-Superstars: Why do superstars and roylaties get all these new features and we don't?

2010vampire: *Awkwardly stands in the middle*

Superstars: Because we are paying for our membership! Right, vamps?

2010vampire: *Awkwardly stands in the middle*

Non-Superstars: Yeah, we get that! But do you know how hard it is to maneuver the site without a lot of stardollars?

Superstars: Actually, yes! But there are great starcoin items to buy too!

Non-Superstars: Vamps, you understand right?

Superstars: Vamps, you're on our side right?

2010vampire: *Awkwardly stands in the middle*

Honestly, both sides have some valid points. What do you guys think about the matter?


इसमें पोस्ट की गई:newsSuperstaruser contentennon-superstar2010vampire



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