

Emotional Bullying

97 महीने पहले


Hi dollies! 


Today I am going to talk to you about emotional bullying. This is a type of bullying that doesn't seem to get much attention and it can be the most fatal.


I have suffered from it first hand and this then lead me to being diagnosed with anxiety and mild depression.


Here are some ways of emotional bullying:

- Being left out of friendship groups

- Deliberate rumous 

- Deliberate gestures such as staring


 If you feel like you are being emotionally bullied, seek help. If I hadn't done something about it i would still be feeling bad about myself. Here are some ways to help:


- talk

- write your feelings down

- any form of artistry

- tell yourself that they are jealous of you.

I am not a professional, these are just some I the things that helped me. 

Stay safe,

Starlight x

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