

After Nil's wedding ...

166 महीने पहले

After Nil's wedding, me and my husband went down to the reception.

 As we were on our way a strange figure began to approuch us. He told us to not to be afraid of him, as he was only a helpful stranger. He told us to pass this cup of tea of to Nil, it will bring her and her future family great wealth.

My husband and I took the tea from the man and started are way back to the reception. That is when i began to think of the tea. What if the tea actually did what the man said, but then again the man was a complete stranger.

I looked down at the tea, and i wondered what would happen if i took sip. So i put the china to my lips as my husband objected. I than took a sip of the tea. I knew it wasn't meant for me, but no harm could come out of it... or could it? ...

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