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Reacting To My First Blog Post!

93개월 전

Hey Dolls!

I thought it would be quit funny, for me to react to some of my older blog posts, specifically my first one. Enjoy!

Hello Dollies its me again AlwaysMissLace and I am here today like most days with a blog. Today I will be introducing a new series to my blogs called outfit of the day were I do outfits of the day its pretty simple really and today will be the first one.In these blogs I will say the name of the thing how much it costed and what shop there in.also please remember this this series will not be done everyday just when I change my outfit really and i will try to this series more often then the Famous quote from a famous person series which will be tomorrows blog.

REACTION: First off there is terrible grammar in the introduction, and at the time this was written I thought I was doing a wonderful job. Who knows why I wondered why stardoll wouldn't accept me as a starblogger?

*Little does Luna know, that the worst is yet to come...*

Few! My hands hurt from just typing that. But lets get a move along with today's blog or we will be here all day otherwise.

REACTION: Why? Just why? This was not necessary in the slightest to type out, nor do my hands actually hurt from typing. So..... 


게시물 위치:newsuser contentbloggerenAlwaysMissLace



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