

Lady Gaga Praises A Fan Made "Hair" Music Video!

160개월 전

Lady Gaga is an outspoken advocate for gay rights and the It Gets Better Project, and yesterday she flooded her Twitter and Facebook with praises for a homemade “Hair” music video posted on YouTube! The video is simply created for saying no matter gay or not - we were born this way! She said “This is so AMAZING #HairMusicVideo you guys did such an amazing job for #ItGetsBetter. The Choreo! I died!” Well these guys managed to really make her proud and at the same time do a good deed! Can you imagine getting credit from Gaga herself? We are impressed! Check it out!

STARDOLL IS PROUD TO SUPPORT ANTI-BULLYING! Check out Stardoll's 2010's BeatBullying contest to see more inspiring thoughts and ideas on how to fight bullying!
AND be sure to look for more anti-bullying campaigns on the site this year. We know that together we can keep making Stardoll a fun friendly place for everyone!



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