Наш тур Styled Outfits по модным городам мира начнется в Лондоне. Отправление от дома House of Holland,а затем посетим дом мод Marc by MJ -с нашей знакомой моделью Агнес Дейн. Выделяют эту коллекцию шотладки,узкие облегающие брюки,звериный рисунок и зауженные силуэты. Вся осенняя британская классика-это плащи и килты,столь модные этой осенью.
Stardoll Admin
Hot-pink nail polish keeps her look playful
Магазин Decades-это наш собственный винтажный брэнд на Stardoll. В новом магазине ты можешь купить одежду с 1900-х по 1970-е годы.
Read the debut of the new Stardoll column ASK PAULINA and find out about supermodels, their spaniels, and how to become a model and if you should become a model?
In this, my very first column for Stardoll, I’d like to introduces myself, and of course, my trusty little sidekick Dexter. Unless you watch America’s Next Top Model, you may have no idea who I am. According to Tyra Bank’s introduction, I am a legendary supermodel. (I’m really glad she says it, so I don’t have to.) Five hundred covers later, I’d like to add that I was a supermodel when your mom was your age. Dexter wants me to tell you I’m also a really good mom.
Now, for Dexter ... (read the whole column)
- Fall has arrived and with this transitional season comes a bountiful crop of new trends to incorporate into your wardrobe.
I will share my world with you and give you a glimpse into the chaotic fashion universe and my experiences-good and bad-from fashion week and photo shoots to events and style, etc. What I love about Stardoll is the forum of creativity it cultivates and the emphasis on personal expression and style.
ELLE magazine is all about personal style and showcasing trends and fashion in a unique way that is not exclusive to head-to-toe expensive
Since Sherlock Holmes, the trench has been a London staple
Revival of the classics: skinny jeans and a white T-shirt
- Миша Бартон любит фэшн..
Популярная статья…: "Большие возможности!"SomeBrandy29
Популярная статья…: "Fashion Criticism"