April 2013
- Leonardo DiCaprio has dated plenty of beautiful women over the years, but he still hasn't settled. Now he claims it's because of his movie career, that he still hasn't found the one to tie the knot with.
"Six months of being on location or being off in Morocco or someplace like that is not the best thing for a relationship", he said in an interview according to Contactmusic.
Leo also says he refuses to complain about his lifestyle, since he knows he's very lucky to be so successful.
- Selena Gomez is one of the coolest young Hollywood women we know of, and therefore we were really surprised when she revealed she hid from Brad Pitt at MTV Movie Awards, when he wanted to meet her.
"They knocked on my door and they said Brad Pitt would like to come in and I was like, 'He can come in'. I was trying to play it cool and be really nice and as soon as he walked out I ran and I hid under the craft service table for like two minutes, because I couldn't believe it was happening", she explains.
Brad wanted to see Selena since his kids are were big fans of her TV Show The Wizards of Waverly Place, and he wanted to take a picture with her.
- Thought you brought too much on your trip when carrying two different bags? Well, no, not compared to these stars. Celebrities always travel in style, and by that, we mean with mountains of luggage. And yea, it almost looks ridiculous how one single person can need that many bags.
I decided to do a Spring Makeup tutorial; so here it is.. c:
Tutorial being done on Emo...Gab.
- Bradley Cooper has been living with his mom the past few years, and now he's spoken out about it. His mom moved in with him after his dad passed away two years ago, and he says it's the best way to go right now.
"My family is very close, and my dad dying was brutal for all of us", he said in an interview with Detail Magazine. "We need each other, so here we are", he continued. He also says it's not always easy having his mom in the next room, but reveals his mom is a cool chick that he can hang with.
- Miranda Kerr bestätigte, dass sie nicht länger ein Victoria's Secret Engel ist. Aber sie sagt die Gerüchte stimmen nicht, dass sie gefeuert wurde weil sie nicht eines der besten Verkaufsgesichter ist - sondern sie sagt, dass sie von alleine gegangen ist."Ich habe gemodelt seit ich 13 war. Jetzt trete ich in eine neue Phase meines Lebens ein. Das hat sich schon so angefühlt seitdem mein Sohn geboren wurde und nachdem ich dann eine Mutter wurde, erkannte ich, dass ich meine Zeit priorisieren muss".Miranda sagt ebenfalls, dass sie jetzt an ihren eigenen Projekten arbeitet und dass sie nie wieder ein Vollzeit-Model sein möchte.
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"