April 2013
- Kristen Stewart bestätigte offiziell, dass sie in der Fortsetzung von ''Snow White and the Huntsman' mitspielen wird. Die 23-jährige Schauspielerin wird wieder die Hauptrolle des Schneewittchen spielen und der Film wird 2015 auf die Leinwand kommen. Rupert Sanders, mit dem sie den ersten Film gedreht hatte wird dieses Mal nicht der Regisseur sein.
- David Beckham ist wirklich nicht geizig wenn es darum geht, seine Frau, Victoria Beckham zu verwöhnen. Gestern war ihr richtiger Geburtstag, aber da er arbeiten musste macht er es wieder gut, indem er die komplette Familie, inklusive Schwiegereltern, nach Paris fliegen lässt."Sein Hauptgeschenk sind Flüge für die ganze Familie, um ihn in der französischen Hauptstadt zu besuchen", enthüllt eine nahe Quelle. "David sagte, dass er sie ganz arg verwöhnen wird um die verlorene Zeit wieder gut zu machen", erklärt die Quelle weiter. Das Paar wird auch die Kinder für einen Abend lang zuhause lassen und die Großeltern werden auf diese aufpassen, damit das verliebte Paar einen Nacht alleine im Fünf-Sterne-Hotel verbringen kann.
- Do you dress them casual?
With Spring here, I couldn't help but share one of my favourite looks! The red reminds me of a rose, but with the right touches, you can add a diva flare that looks stunning! Read on to find out how to get the look!
- Hey Dollies! First of all I would like to apologise quickly as I have not been able to post a starblog entry for around a month as I have been revising and studying for school at home. Also, dance commitments meant I also struggled to find time for anything else! I am now officially back and active on stardoll both as a regular member and hopefully a starbloggist. Anyway, today's post is a quick preview of my upcoming series of posts that each will contain a different aspect of the current spring trends. So, for the first post I have put together this black and white outfit which is very trendy right now and will work well during the spring time period. I hope you like this outfit and all of the items are starcoins so this is a "Non SS" look.
Hello, dollies! Guess what? The new Polished collections is out: Polished Florals! The new collection came out just in time for Spring! The collection is filled with bright and pastel colors! Each of the polishes have some type of flower design on them! I bought several of the polishes from the Florals Collection, and I thought I'd show you all my favorite two! Hope you guys enjoy! Can't wait to see you all wearing your new floral polishes!
Hey, Stardollians! The key to fashion is inspiration. Whether you get it from the Internet, or just another person doesn't matter. Because of this, I decided to find a picture off the Internet and give it a review. You can also kindly share your thoughts on it, as well. This awesome picture can be found ABOVE. Before I review it, I would like to stress that I did NOT make that picture and I am NOT taking any credit for the fashion shown in that picture! Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let's review it:
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"